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Child Support Lawyers

Family Law Office of Isaac Paonessa Is Here to Help

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Child Support

Obtaining child support in Ontario is the right of the child. It is neither your right nor your spouse’s right. When you think about paying child support, think about how your child will benefit by receiving it, even if you think a large portion of child support is being spent on your ex- or estranged partner and not just your child. We acknowledge this is not easy.

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the Amount of
Child Support

If you are living large and have a child with someone, then that person and the child are entitled to some of your goods. It is generally underestimated just how expensive it is to raise a child in southwestern Ontario. You will need to make sure you are either paying or receiving the right child support amount. Child support is a complex area of law, simply because children have so many different expenses. Parents need to work and earn enough money to support them. If a parent chooses not to work or pay support, he or she can face extreme consequences for such a decision.


You will need to pay child support if your child resides with the other parent more than 60 percent of the time, or if you share the child’s care, but your income is higher than the other parent. The amount of monthly child support is calculated based on your gross income.


Your child may have "special" expenses that you may be responsible for. Monthly child support pays for the costs of daily food, shelter, and other basic necessities. Some additional child expenses could be swimming classes, tutoring, or daycare, which are considered special expenses. A stepparent of a child may be ordered to pay child support upon separation from a spouse if certain criteria are met. You can get an idea of how much child support might be here.


Although an online calculator is a good starting point, the issue is often more complicated. If you are self-employed, a judge may scrutinize a low amount of reported income to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Child support is the income from all sources not just your personal taxes. Conversely, unusually high income that is unlikely to occur again may be deducted in certain cases. Family Law Office of Isaac Paonessa will help you calculate a fair and accurate amount either under federal or provincial law, whichever is applicable to your situation.

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Special and Extraordinary Expenses

The amount of support for special and extraordinary expenses of the child is based on the income of each parent. Special and extraordinary expenses include childcare, orthodontics, extra-curricular activities, college tuition, tutoring, medical expenses and anything else you and your spouse agree to.


Child support lawyers and Ontario law understand that life is not static. Family law provides a framework to change or cancel child support based on different circumstances. To qualify for a change in child support, you must demonstrate a material change in your circumstances. Until you obtain a court order that changes your current child support obligations, you must continue to pay what you currently owe. Therefore, if you are experiencing financial hardship, you should speak to one of our experienced child support lawyers.


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